
How To Get Unlimited Traffic And Backlinks From Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking is a way to save and share bookmarks on the web. You can tag a web page that you find interesting and share it with other people. Social bookmarking isn't a one-trick pony. It opens the doors to multiple marketing strategies that you air swimmers can use to improve your bottom line right away! This is bait for the search engines. By posting in your information about your site or blog and bookmarking on a regular basis you will get the search engines showing up at Netscape for example and putting your article on page one for the keyword phrase you are targeting.Also SB is more on traffic-based Link building because you only redirecting the readers on the updated articles or stories that your site has. The well known SB sites that give good quality backlink is Digg, its actually a dofollow sites that's unlike delicious. Social bookmarking is a Web-based service where users can create and store links. It is an increasingly popular way to locate, classify, rank, and share Internet resources. Social bookmarking is an elixir for all your web promotion woes. It is a way to tag, using key words, and the link of your website on popular social bookmarking websites browsed by millions of users for information every day.Tags:Tags are words that you would use to describe the site you are adding to your bookmarks. For example, if you bookmarked this article, you might give it the title ‘Social Bookmarking Lesson’ and the tag(s) you might associate with it could be ‘what is social bookmarking’ and ‘social bookmarking article’ or something of the like. Tagging is a democratic, intuitive process: anyone can tag a site in any way they see fit and there are no agreed-upon conventions. Ordinary people - not search engines or librarians - decide how sites will be classified. Tags are used to organize bookmarks. The bookmarked web pages can be viewed by the public, and can be saved privately.Link BuildingLink Building for any website can provide targeted and relevant visitors to any online business .Link Building can provide good exposure and market expansion for a website to many spheres of the online web. Link building helps in getting good search engine ranking for a website if done in a proper way Submitqueen has experienced SEO team well versed in Link Building techniques and search engine algoritthms. Link to the top social bookmarking services with a single link. There's no need to figure out each bookmark site's submission process and no need to clutter your site with dozens of icons.Social Bookmarking Sites:Sites like delicious.com and firl dot com are just a couple examples of this phenomenon at work. With social bookmarking, users create bookmarks that are shared with an entire community. These Sites give Futurehealth the best type of web traffic: viral traffic. Your referral is extremely powerful.In order to bookmark your sites, you need to manually create your accounts at Bookmarking sites. Creation of accounts doesn't take much time because you only need one account. SB websites are basically sites that categorize and store 'bookmark links' (links which take one to a specific website). Millions of visitors flood these Social Bookmarking sites to search for information.The problem?The problem lies in bookmarking your Nail Pen pages. You have to manually login to your account at each of these Social Bookmarking sites and add your page's url, keywords and descriptions.(To my knowledge there are about 111 of them) It will be crazy if you need to bookmark everyday!Conclusion With Social Bookmarking, You Can Tap Into An Unlimited Supply Of Targeted Traffic And High Quality Backlinks For Free!

